Continue Steadfastly in Prayer

Continue Steadfastly in Prayer

By Matt Vorhees

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”
Colossians‬ ‭4:2

I love how verse two describes what our prayer life should be like. Notice that we never stop praying, rather, we continue in it. There will never be a season of life where prayer becomes superfluous. We always need it! Secondly, we continue steadfastly because every sinful desire in us screams at us to stop. Our pride tells us that we’ve got this and don’t need God to hold our hand through. Even if we don’t consciously think that, if we aren’t praying, that’s a clear manifestation of pride. Thirdly, we are to be watchful in it, meaning we are to place all of our present circumstances before the Lord in prayer and to be expectant for how He is working in each of those circumstances. And if we’re paying attention, we will see that He is in fact at work in wonderful ways, which is why thanksgiving is so appropriate. We thank God for the ways that he is graciously at work for good in our lives.‬‬‬
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