Fall Premarital Counseling 2024

Getting Ready for Marriage, with Dr. Brent Van Elswyk, will help couples construct a solid foundation upon which to build an enriching, fulfilling and growing marriage. Plan now to prepare for your marriage, not just your wedding. Traditionally thought to be only for engaged couples, this class is also suitable for couples who are "courting" or seriously considering marriage, as well as for newly married couples and those embarking upon a remarriage. Our Premarital Counseling series can assist any couple in building a strong and lasting relationship. Let this marriage be for life!

Monday Evenings
September 30 - November 18
except 10/21 & 11/11
6:30 - 8:00pm

The next Premarital series will be Spring and Fall 2025.
Contact the church office to sign up at (661) 589-9733.
$150 includes resources and couple inventory.
Premarital Counseling class includes lecture, worksheets, reading, workbook, and discussion. On the first day you each receive a packet of material (including an outline and worksheets), a workbook for assignments, and a number of resources/books to use as a couple.

Topics include:
  • Why Marry?
  • How Men and Women Differ
  • Expectations
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Issues (money/anger/etc.)
  • Intimacy
Plus, along the way, you will take an individual Personality Assessment and do an online Prepare Test (or similar option for remarriage). Toward the end, or shortly thereafter, Dr. Brent will provide appointments to meet with each couple alone for couples counseling and review of test results (for which he is certified).  

If you prefer Premarital Counseling elsewhere, just as a couple and not in a group setting, we can recommend a licensed Christian professional.  We have found the group format more affordable while offering the benefit of learning from others as they may share and inquire from different perspectives. But this style does not appeal to everyone's taste or schedule. If you would like a referral, call Debbie at (661) 589-9733 x222.